Ladies and Gentlemen, this is one of the sleepers that I never heard of that just blew me away. I absolutely loved this movie. I am a huge sci-fi, alternate history fan and the fact that I had never heard of this one is unbelievable. The what if scenario and the way it takes the characters from today and brings them into that time-line is so remarkable. It used a lot of thought about how certain actual events influenced particular people to strive for a different place in world events. It shows how a single incident can change a whole time line and how different it could have been. The Kennedy assassination is the one event in American history that has had such a fragmenting effect within this nation. The Vietnam War, LBJ, the space program, Nixon, civil rights, discontent and the huge gap between the parties all can be traced to that era. If your a history fan and love sci-fi, this is a must see. If you like, a great movie that takes you on a great journey then watch this movie. If you hated hi-budget movies like "Time Line" that don't come across, then watch this movie. It will take you on a real adventure and they spent only a fraction of the budget to get you there.