Michael Lee Barlin´s "The Pig Farm" is a dark Tarantino-like comedy about a jobless redneck that tries to make the big deal with feading the dead bodies of the Mafia to his pigs. First it seems as he had landed a coup, but soon the guy finds himself in deep trouble...
"The Pig Farm" is a hill billy-version of great cult classics like "Fargo" or "Reservoir", however without reaching the brilliance of these excellent movies! There´s much talk which isn´t that witty, there are some would-be curious characters featured as well as the usual gunfights, which are brought on in the last third. The acting in "The Pig Farm" is neither good nor bad, but a better script and more independent ideas would have improved this film a lot!
You won´t miss anything if you have seen the great originals or Skip Wood´s "Thursday", probably the best Tarantino-rip off ever shot! No mess, but also no steak de luxe!!!