Get a life... stop pretending to be smart people. Stop pretending that this comedy was disappointing. If You are saying this comedy was disappointing and was dumb than you are really showing Your intelligence level. Did You think this movie was going to reveal the secrets of existence? Did You possibly believe it would hint at the meaning of life and some dogma idea? Did You believe You would actually be able to look deep into this film and find a message through the composition and juxtaposition of shots? If You did you have shown your mom should be choosing your movies. this is a movie you can watch when you get off your high horse and chill with friends (im assuming you have) and all those chickys we like to meet up with on our days off (im assuming you have). The characters are all general so we can laugh at similar situations we have had either through friends or ourselves... assuming we have all experienced life and not been shut ins. NOT A GOOD FILM but not a bad FLICK for something to play when you need a laugh with friends... or need to play something in the background during a party of 30-40 people so you can look aside and catch something funny throughout the night. For people who are like the lead character and have friends ---women and male--- they chill with. For loners that film will have no impact whatsoever... for those with friends and who like to have a good time, aren't shut-ins, this movie simply reminds you of antics here and there.
Frankly i thought it was fine... i certainly don't need to pretend that it insulted my intelligence because having intelligence i knew it was going to be void of, earth shattering, meaning.