Films like Busy Bodies were never supposed to survive -they were disposable sex filler to be replaced by equally disposable new attractions at the nation's adult cinemas.
Extant version from Something Weird Video runs very short, probably having lost a couple of reels since its grind-house days.
Phyllis Miller & Vicky Cummings have a house for sale and show it to Bob Robinson, then troilism ensues in the bedroom.
Next up, Bill Peterson (Marc Brock, the Eric Bogosian of early porn) and Gary Cooper (!) show up so they have a foursome. The Fitzgeralds are the next would-be buyers to show up, and Phyllis services Mrs, Fitzgerald with a strap-on dildo. So much for a movie -as usual it resembles loops instead.
I saw several real porn films (of the Geerard Damiano school) back in the day but didn't miss much by not attending the storefronts that showed junk like BUSY BODIES. It's painless to catch up with them now on video, to get an impression of what passed for adult entertainment back in the day.