Power Rangers Time Force is a Playstation game based on the season of the same name for the franchise. In the game, you can play as each of the six rangers (although the Quantum Ranger has to be unlocked) as you play through seven levels, each set in a different time zone, like Silver Hills, a level based on the old west, etc. Each ranger has his or her own stats based around Attack, Defense, Speed, and Martial Skill, Each level is under a time limit, but is not necessary to beat it before it runs out, however, doing so does reward a health bar upgrade. Also, power-ups like health, hourglasses that add to the time limit, power-ups like temporary invisibility and limited super speed also litter the levels.
The game is basically a beat-em-up with platforming, and sadly, this is where it suffers. The game makes it look like the rangers are still cadets, as enemies are actually quite skilled in dodging attacks and even gang up on your character, making this rather difficult for a game based on a tv show for young boys. Also, the jumping can be somewhat rough (and sadly, this is another game where falling into water or a bottom pit results in losing a life), and the rangers do talk, the only quote you will hear a lot is them saying they have to be more careful (which triggers when taking damage from an environmental hazard). However, the game does allow you to learn new moves after levels (which will be needed, especially with some boss fights) and the game utilizes clips from the show as FMV movies.