I went into watching this with an open mind and based upon a recommendation of a friend who compared this film to "2001-A Space Odyssey." I also read a couple of reviews here. Someone mentioned that the costumes were "wonderful," etc. Sorry...to me they looked like bad advertisements for early 60s leisurewear. They were laughable and not a patch on the art direction and costuming of 2001.
The story line was confusing and full of earnest Soviet-style invocations to do well, etc...etc... The effects were sub-par, even for the late 60s. The music was just terrible...awful! I think the composer wanted to inject some themes used in US films like the 50s "The Thing from Another World" and "Forbidden Planet.' It just comes out as a mashed-up mess.
This film is worth watching from the historical viewpoint of trying to understand Soviet films of the period. Good luck getting through it.