The Manhattan Love Suicides are a series of short films by Richard Kern: Stray Dogs, Woman At The Wheel, Thrust In Me, & I Hate You Now. This is a brief description of each-
"Stray Dogs" concerns an artist being followed thru the streets by an obsessive young man (a terrific David Wojnarowicz) who tries to gain his attention. He follows the artist back to his apartment and begins literally tearing himself apart in frustration - at this point the artist laughs at him & begins to sketch his dying body. This is probably my personal favorite in the series.
"Woman At The Wheel" follows a woman who takes her boyfriends (1 at a time) for a drive - but they only spark arguments & insist on taking the wheel. She eventually beats one of them senseless & wrecks the car.
"Thrust In Me", stars Nick Zedd as both the suicidal girl and her thrusting boyfriend. Includes a great cameratrick orgasm of monumental proportions.
"I Hate You Now" features Tommy Turner as a facially deformed drug dealer and Amy Turner as his girlfriend. The film repeatedly taunts the notion of "deformity" & "ugliness" before ending in a serious iron-burn & a barbell suicide.
Overall I guess this collection is among Kern's more well known stuff - but ALL of his films are definitely worth checking out if you can find them.