This short drama is by the first time director Garrett Wilkes and explores the developing relationship between a male and female prostitute. Frances Collins is a struggling gigolo attempting to raise some cash to pay for his ambitious girlfriends University fees. In agreement with his girlfriend he only accepts male clients although when he neglects this agreement and visits a female client named Sonja things begin to get complicated.
It turns out Sonja is a frustrated prostitute seeking some action from the clients perspective. There is obvious chemistry between the two although when Frances attempts to get to know her, he is disappointed when she wants to keep their relationship strictly confined to the bedroom. Frances' home-life becomes unstable when his girlfriend discovers his female client and Frances himself experiences some emotionally insecurity and ambiguity in relation to his troubled love-life. Frances needs to consider his feelings for the women in his life and make a decision about who he really loves which does not prove a simple task.
The film is shot and edited well with some electrifying sex scenes and convincing acting from the cast. 'You Can't buy Love' is an original drama which explores some interesting aspects of love and prostitution.