Here we go.
What do I like about this movie? Well, the photography was good. It seems It could have been in black and white to give more power to the images with the type of music Fito Paez selected to make. It was like try too hard and too much of it. That piano Psycho style. I don't know. Too strange. Unless you want to go on that direction. Then go on that direction with the movie too. May be it would have been a darker picture (with high contrast too) for a darker subject matter.
I like Cecilia and Gael. These characters are difficult to identify with unless you are going thru the same thing. I spoke with an friend from Argentina and said that Gael accent was petty good. Remember, Argentinians are picky, so I believed him.
The camera could have moved more and Fito could have play more with the close ups much better (Philadelhia movie style).You know, Jonathan Demme.
It's no doubt that music could have better to get you in tone with the movie.
This story is a little hard to believe. If this has happen before to someone, that person should tell this story.
Fito, it seems you have money. Please use it wisely in movies. There are more fascinating stories where I am sure you can make more money.
Latinamerican films need to make a change but in a uplifting way. And I don't mean happy endings. But stories that most people can identify with and enjoy more at the same time.
Also if I ever do any movie, this a good one to watch what not to do.
Over and Out. Until next time.