This is Bean in name only. While this purports to be an animated version of Mr. Bean, it really is so unlike the original brilliant shows that I cringed when I first began watching an episode. However, after a bit I realized that my daughter was repeatedly laughing and having a lovely time watching. And, while I was NOT overjoyed with the show, it was watchable if you think of it only as a kids' show and not Mr. Bean. Why is it so un-Bean-like? Well because this incarnation of Bean just isn't as selfish and mean-spirited as the real thing. Plus, all too often the situations he gets himself in for NEVER would have been seen in the original show. It's like they took away the hard edge in order to make it acceptable for kids. Too bad, as I really just want to see more Bean--and not those washed out movies, either! Watchable but that's about all.