I really liked this, even if it wasn't quite what I expected. Sold, very much, as a 'pinky violence' movie, it has far more connections with earlier samurai movies. Someone mentioned that the film has a slightly dated feel and that is partly because of this harking back element but also the glorious wide screen b/w cinematography. Pinky or not there is plenty of vigorous action here and many a sexual situation, even if not particularly sustained. Junko Miazono is fabulous in the main role and if she doesn't get into revenge mode until the final third, it is always bubbling and she is great at it when it comes. The film is very well constructed and although we get several scenes that could have been over long, like the heist and the torture and tattoo scenes all is dealt with very well. Indeed, at the start we get considerable back story without a moments hesitation or even a screen wipe. Oh and the very beginning of the film on the bridge across the river is stunning. Well worth a watch, just don't expect non stop sex and violence.