Seriously, who thought of a spoof of Rocky? It's like spoofing the Bourne series and calling it The Bourne Retardation. Like the Rocky films, it revolves around a regular schmoe who receives an opportunity to fight it out with the champion of the world. When people wonder why it went right to video and never entered theatres, it's because the film was so bad. no one would want to waste 90 minutes of their valuable time watching some bad acting rolled into a bad film. Wouldn't someone prefer to dance on that giant piano from Big with Robert Loggia? Wouldn't someone prefer to drink a lot of Red Bull and watch the news? I know i would if it prevented me from watching this film again And to think, they thought they could say it was better than the Airplane! movies. So if you're curiously wandering around a video store and stumble across this film, yell WITCH!, run in a circle three times, then grab it and light it on fire. Ricky 1 1/10