Turkey premier of the movie has been held here just a few days ago but even before that all the attention was taken on the pornographic past of the lead actress neither on the golden bear nor on the success it has gained internationally (Which I hated the way media approached) ... I have seen it recently and should say its a must see movie. A classic story of the 3rd generation of Turks in Germany outlined very well around a love story. Lead actor Birol and Sibel Kekilli have done a good job . The basic story takes you in and makes you feel all the sadness, craziness, happiness, joy and deep depressions of the characters. The bitterness of the reality spread all over the movie and kind of depressing. The story is also politically and socially a very good point expressing maybe thousands of peoples true lives stucked between two cultures. I would love to watch it once again. This was Sibel's first movie and I believe she will be a very good actress and wishing her luck;
I admire her posture towards all the criticism so much .