This film begins with two buddies by the names of "John Telliman" (Mike Valletta) and "Bobby Douglas" (Scott Dillon) enjoying some time riding around Phoenix on their motorcycles. Eventually, they decide to go to a biker bar to round out their experience. When they get there the two of them meet a young woman named "Misty" (Blythe Metz) who begins flirting with the two of them with Bobby eventually taking her a hotel that night. What he doesn't know is that Misty has become involved in a dispute between a Chinese organization led by a man named "Feng" (Jack Dong) and a bio-tech company. As it so happens, the Chinese were in the process of conducting a transaction with the bio-tech company when it was interrupted by a biker gang led by a man named "Walker" (J. David Watson) who stole the money and the merchandise. Naturally, both groups desperately want what they are after and Misty seems to be at the center of it all. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this could have been pretty good film as it had an interesting plot and a good foundation to proceed from. For example, the scenes involving the motorcycle gang were all pretty good for the most part. Unfortunately, the script needed serious improvement and the acting of both Feng and Walker was simply dreadful. That being said, this turned out to be a rather poor film overall and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.