If you haven't read the book, at least go see the movie; that will inspire you to read the book! If any of you movie goers are avid readers, you know you are always a bit disappointed when Hollywood has its way with the written word. This neat little movie is no exception. I guess it is difficult to be unbiased since I live in Defiance, Ohio, and grew up with the Ryan kids. We love all the positive publicity that has come from this movie. There are many of us Defiance-ites that truly, absolutely, fanatically love this town. Then there are others that hate it; but I digress... This movie is one of those human interest, true-to-life, feel good movies. There's no "f" word every other line, no frontal nudity, no murders, etc. It's a movie that the family can enjoy together. And, as strange as it may seem in the movie when Evelyn miraculously wins a prize every time her family is in financial difficulty, it absolutely happened that way. I'm not sure I enjoyed the screenplay all that much, but I think most people will be tolerate it. The "asides" the character of Evelyn gives by talking directly to the audience, to me, were somewhat disconcerting, but I guess the director, Jane Anderson, decided to give more information through asides rather than have a narrator. The movie does tend to rely too heavily on the relationship between Evelyn and her husband, Kelly, because the book is 98 % about Evelyn, her love for her family, her talent for contesting, and Terry's (the author) love for her mother. Terry (Tuff)has contracted brain cancer and is not in the best of shape. Visit "The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio" website to learn more about Terry. Considering the content of this movie and the condition of the world today, I think most of you movie goers will enjoy a 98-minute "escape" from the real world as you are transported back to the '50s. Whether you lived in the '50s or wished you did, you will enjoy the flavor the movie gives to the era. And, one last thought, if you enjoyed the movie, and haven't read the book, you might want to run to your nearest library and pick up a copy. You might be disappointed in the movie, but you certainly won't be disappointed in the book. Long live Defiance!