This movie is showcase of director's errors and poor acting. Gen's red shirt (Cerina Vincent) starts full length (completly covers her) and as the movie progresses it gets shorter and shorter. There is no explanation for why that happens in the movie. I guess the director decided at some point that the movie was too boring, and they needed to add some "skin" to it. There is one scene toward the beginning where the image is mirrored (left is right, and right is left) for no apparent reason. Very annoying given that the actors have shirts with stuff written on it... which reads inverted in that scene. The coloring of the picture changes from scene to scene, switching from dark to light. It seems like they used two cameras of extremely different quality, and kept switching between the two. The audio quality seems to switch too from time to time. Very annoying. The whole movie is mostly running around tunnels, heavy breathing and panicking. It is also poorly dubbed from English to English. I guess the acting got so bad at times that they had to change it later. The "special effects" are as good as cheap Halloween decorations and the storyline is defective in so many ways!