We get an insight from her childhood played by Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films), her flirtatious days, her first marriage, her 11-day disappearance, and her second marriage. No longer is she the woman of mystery. Or does this just bring up more mystery and speculation?
The mid-age Christ1e is played by Olivia Williams (Anna Crowe in "The Sixth Sense") and the aged Christie was played by Anna Massey (Lady Bailey in "Possession".)
This film is a must for Christie fans and the curious alike. It holds your attention and you find yourself speculating and getting ahead of the story. The only drawback is the sound byte formula where they focus on one person or item no longer than five minutes and then cut to something else. Along with this is the back and forth through time gimmick where you start in the present and go back to her mid-age psychiatrist, then her childhood, then her disappearance, then her old age then, mid-age psychiatrist, and so forth.