Sandy should stop making "Movies". He doesn't know what he is doing. Dead End belongs on the Internet along side starwars kid and video's of people getting there hands cut off. He claims to know what feel Batman needs but he doesn't know how to make the audience feel it. Dead end felt so forced and silly. When I was a kid, 9 or 10, I used to put on shows for my family. They were batman stunt shows. Dead End felt as childish and silly and my old shows were only with more money. Sandy has got to be a moron, he took 30 thousand dollars and made a fan film? A good film maker such as Robert Rodriguez can take 7 thousand and make a full length movie of his own, than after he got into the industry he started making his Comic book movies. Sandy doesn't have a chance in hell, from what I've seen, to make it as a director. Worlds finest is one of the saddest things I've seen. It's so easy to make a trailer look exiting and make you want to see the movie, this trailer didn't. It was boring, silly and pretty much crud. I hope he doesn't continue making "movies" we really don't need another Uwe Boll running around.