The animation is smooth and beautiful, but the film itself is anything but! "The Separation" is an unsettling portrayal of two conjoined twins separated as children without their consent and how they attempt to fix this past "mistake" in their adulthood. As you can imagine, things don't go over so well and a terrifying but ultimately tragic tale ensues. This is a CREEPY short, which should be expected from Robert Morgan at this point. I am not being hyperbolic when I say that Morgan has made some of the only films that can really SCARE me! In the darkest. most disturbed corners of my mind, Morgan sits beside the likes of David Lynch and The Brothers Quay; he is a true artist whose work can be both appealing and appalling, and "The Separation" is a perfect example of this. This short is very effective both dramatically and horrifically; the visuals can be strangely beautiful at times, but they can also be spine tinglingly disturbing. Within the film's unforgettable final moments lie some of the most memorable visuals in animation history!