The first film of Bandwagon Films, Wesley Cash was directed by Will James Moore and stars Chad Mathews. It is the story of a man who goes home to build a life, only to discover that everything in his life is being ripped away and he must try to find a way to make it right. The story starts in the middle, and through flashbacks the plot begins to unfold. As events move forward Wesley's simple journey home becomes a quest for survival and revenge. Moore has written a compelling story which balances quiet dialogue scenes, fast paced chases, tense confrontations and energetic fight scenes. Mathews commands our attention in all of his scenes, and his emerging talent is evident.
Much of the supporting cast does an excellent job, as well. The most memorable to me was Tex Marshal as Sheriff Sonny Crockett. His character adds a welcome bit of levity to what can at times be a heavy film. The soundtrack by Jonathan Case and the band Restaurant is unique and a perfect accompaniment to the film's style. Cuts to the music and its distinctive rhythm help to set the perfect mood for each scene. The scenery of South Texas is used to its full extent, and at moments is breathtaking. In a few cases the lines are somewhat awkward, but not enough to take you out of the story, and it adds to the realistic feel of the entire film.
Wesley Cash is a perfect example of why some films require a second viewing. It has a short run time for a feature, and because of that it moves fast enough to keep even the most distractible viewer interested. The fast pace of the plot and the fact that the story isn't told in chronological order can present an issue if the viewer does not pay close attention. The first time I watched Wesley Cash, I was left with a number of lingering questions. Upon my second viewing, I discovered the answers were already there. At first glance, I would have given Wesley Cash a 6, maybe a weak 7. But after a second look I would give it an 8.5. As that's not allowed, I feel an 8 is more than justified.
I'm very impressed with this film and look forward to seeing where the filmmakers go next.