Goodness gracious, Follywood's ripoff dodos are at it again! Will they ever stop?!
Just as if stealing the title from a Hollywood original is not enough, do they have to conform to their own stale formula-fares each and every time?? The story isn't much to write about -- four buddies that decide to settle scores the old-fashioned way, by whacking anyone that gets in their way. Hilarious, except its not funny.
The only good thing about this movie is that they spent tons of cash on promos (thereby making at least their vendors rich). Of course, its the latest Follywood "thinking" (?!) -- promote a film to death, recovering all the costs before the audience realizes what hit them. Fortunately, multiplex audiences in India nowadays are too smart for that.
And in NJ/NY, the movie tried hard to package itself as a new "Phormula For An Instant Headache". But the renowned pharma companies like Pfizer, Merck and Eli Lilly instantly rejected that idea as old 'mad'-icine in a new tedium. Tough luck.