Oh dear. I feel for Mr. Spade. He seems to be kinda trying here. I guess now that he has yet to find another co-star to insult, he must insult me on his new show "Showbiz blah blah blah." I chuckled a few times, and then searched for something else to watch the rest of the time. I guess he feels like he is "bein himself" or just "tellin it like it is." But sadly, his holy- er than thou shtick is just not working for me. I just can't get past the tragic reality that the Hollywood hasbeens he is mocking are usually in much better shape career-wise than he is. Can't he come up with something original?
Now, I've liked Spade in the past. But I am just not gonna watch this show because he WAS funny once. He insults me, the people of my generation, and he does so poorly. He is also obviously drunk, or at least he slurs his speech during each show, so it is rather uncomfortable to watch as well.
I don't think that his career should be over, but I'm just not interested in this show at all. If he keeps making nerd jokes, or jokes about people who aren't blond, 115 lbs., and narcissistic, than I guess we know that it is all he can do.
Sorry Mr. Spade, but I got better stuff to do.