"God Tussi Great Ho" is a Bollywood comedy film directed by Rumi Jaffery and released in 2008. Starring Amitabh Bachchan, Salman Khan, and Priyanka Chopra, the movie is a remake of the Hollywood film "Bruce Almighty."
The story revolves around a young man named Arun (Salman Khan) who blames God for all his misfortunes. Frustrated with his life, Arun challenges God (Amitabh Bachchan) to take over his responsibilities and prove that he can do a better job. God accepts the challenge and gives Arun his powers for ten days.
While the concept of the film is intriguing, "God Tussi Great Ho" fails to deliver a fresh and engaging storyline. The plot follows a predictable path and lacks originality. The humor in the movie is hit or miss, with some jokes falling flat. The screenplay could have been tighter and the dialogues more polished to enhance the comedic elements.
The performances by the lead actors are decent. Amitabh Bachchan brings his signature charm and charisma to the role of God, delivering a solid performance. Salman Khan tries his best to bring humor to his character, but his performance feels somewhat repetitive and lacks depth. Priyanka Chopra, in a supporting role, manages to shine despite limited screen time.
The film's music is forgettable, with no standout tracks that leave a lasting impact. The production values are average, and the cinematography doesn't add much to the overall experience.
Overall, "God Tussi Great Ho" is a mediocre comedy film that fails to make a significant mark. While it has some entertaining moments, the predictable storyline, average performances, and lackluster execution prevent it from standing out among other Bollywood comedies. If you enjoy light-hearted comedies and are a fan of the main actors, you might find some enjoyment in this film. However, if you're looking for a truly great comedy experience, you may want to explore other options.