Witchcraft 13: Blood of the Chosen (2008)
* (out of 4)
After a six year hiatus, the WITCHCRAFT series is back with its (so far) final entry. Will Spanner (Tim Wrobel) is back and this time he's once again investigating the death of a friend, which once again has him tangling with evil forces. Ahh, the thirteenth entry into this series is quite a strange one for a few reasons. You can tell that the screenwriters wanted this series to return to the fans and they even offered up various things connecting to previous entries. As you might remember, there was a character who started off a man but switched to a woman and this here is explained. We even have returning characters going as far back as the second film and there are even other moments where plot points from previous movies are mentioned. I certainly applaud the screenwriters for attempting to give fans some sort of connection but sadly it's all wasted because this film is downright hard to watch. I say that because technically speaking this film is just a disaster as nearly every scene is so dark that you can't make out what's going on. The audio quality is also extremely low, which at times makes the dialogue hard to understand. It's strange that the technical quality would be so bad here and it really hampers the sex scenes, which is usually the drawing point for this series. These scenes are so dark that quite often you can't see any of the actual nudity! The performances are pretty much what you'd expect from the series but I will say they aren't the worst. The special effects are basically limited to the killers ripping the heart's from the victim's chest but none of them are all that believable. WITCHCRAFT 13 is certainly just going to be for fans of the series but it's doubtful many of those will make it all the way through.