While watching War Stories A short time ago my opinion of both Col. North and his intelligence became suspect on Oliver North, Col North poured salt on the wounds of those of us persecuted by the Castro Dictatorship. The episode featured a narrative of the Battle of Giron ( April 17th 1961) or as the US far left likes to call it Bay of Pigs., He as a guess had none other than former Castro Comamander of Camaguey Province Huber Matos. This man Huber Matos was responsible for the death of hundreds of my countrymen while with Castro.Several hundreds of others including my father were imprisoned. The whole episode was the equivalent of a story on the Holocaust and having a former SS officer as guess. This Huber Matos later got into a "LOVER'S QUARREL" with Castro and was imprisoned under comfortable surroundings. When released he came to the US and became the darling of all those former(????) Castristas who came to the US not because of opposition to communism but because they eventually realized that the revolution did not include 2.9% financing on a new auto, or a mortgage on a suburban home.
I once admired and respected Col. North for his contributions against the spread of communism in Central America. But after watching War Stories my opinion of him took a serious nosedive.