I love paranormal programs, but not just any programs, as some don't have experts on the matter nor the sufficient research before airing. What I have enjoyed about "A HAUNTING" has been the narrator's voice, the fact that it deals with well-documented cases (I was familiar with some cases such as the one based on the book "In A Dark Place," although the names were changed on TV), the interviews with the actual people involved (including many reputable experts and investigators), and the realistic dramatizations. The show doesn't poke fun at the subject, nor does it exaggerate and over dramatize the events. The show simply represents the facts (as given), is non-biased, and allows the viewer to form their own opinions. The music is effective too. I really enjoyed some of the two-hour specials they had on a couple of years ago. Hopefully, there will be enough viewers to get the keep the program on the air.