I was browsing through the DVD store and found this rental somewhere in the horror section. The cover looked great! The chick on the front with the tape over her mouth, movie stills on the back looked intriguing and the "Strong Violence" on the classification was all definitely up my alley! So I rented it out, sat on the lounge and got ready for a good night in.
Previews of other movies started playing and they all looked like those B grade 'made-for-tv' midday movies that come on and we watch when home staying sick in bed. I thought "Oh no, don't tell me this is gonna be one of THOSE movies!" I persevered and gave it the benefit of the doubt. Then the movie started.....
I can understand the intend the script writer had - although the script was clunky it had great potential, but other than that, the continuity was shotty, the audio was out of sync most of the time and the acting... well, let's just say it was extremely awkward to watch.
Basically, three family members, three scenarios, three plots and zero twists. The actors don not try very hard to connect with the audience, except for one of the little boys in the movie that sits himself down and proclaims, "I am bored" And at that moment I identified with his character - then the moment passed.
I could have looked at the cover for a couple of hours and got more enjoyment.
All in all I'd have to say this movie was a waste of time, or would make a great movie to watch and have vodka shots with.
This movie should re-release it's self under the name "Things you don't watch"