This is my eighth favorite episode of the show, and this was the very first episode of the show I ever saw which part of why this episode is special to me. This is a bizarre typical "Planet of the Apes" rip off which has the same concept, only difference that film is good, this film sucks.
Most of the production value isn't on par well ok the ape makeup and costumes are actually pretty good except they can't move their lips, let along look a little too flat. But what makes it odd is the story is really disjointed, some things aren't explained even part of the ending makes no sense as if a page is missing or someone forgot to write one, actually I should say several are. Though there is a reason for this as this wasn't supposed to be a movie but another TV series for Japan which makes it uncannily ironic since "Planet of the Apes" had a TV series near the same time, once again only difference that series is good (and underrated) there's isn't.
This episode is just hilarious from beginning to end as they are riffing on some of the poor dubbing going on in the film as well as a lot of memorable riffs like "Serpentine!" and "Must you scream every observation" seriously there's such a thing as subtlety.
The biggest highlights were one live segment when the have some segments of the film playing on a TV and Tom Servo acts as narrator for an instructional video they've made, which just cracks me up. And the MST gang trying some lame trial recreation on the evolution theory, it's just oddly funny from seeing that Judge Wopner cutout, everyone off cue, but mainly Joel's narration which is utter boredom, yeah that's how I felt in one play production I acted in.
But my absolute favorite was seeing Joel and the Robots sing the Sandy Frank song, it was fraking hilarious when in the song they made fun of the producers' efforts but also simply seeing Joel bust a move which is just comic gold. So, everybody Sandy Frank, Sandy Frank.
Rating: 4 stars