I disagree with all those who say this is a teen-only drama. When I first saw the trailers and accompanying hype, I steered clear of it as it looked like yet another teen programme. But then I watched the second episode, about Cassie the anorexic, and was hooked. It managed to be both funny and touching - so much so that I cried at the end.
It's a lot like Teachers in its sense of humour, and it has its location, Bristol, in common with Teachers. It's a shame it isn't on at an earlier time, as the script is wonderful and the characters so well drawn. Plus the performances by the young cast are extremely professional.
I think good drama appeals to all ages, and I'm light years outside the target demographic for this. So I'd like to encourage the more mature viewer to give it a go - especially if you were a fan of Teachers - and you won't regret it.
9 out of 10 as it's the most entertaining and, unfortunately, realistic youth drama to appear on the telly since As If.