"Zombie self-defense force" is a excellent horror comedy from Japan, it delivers exactly what you want: zombies, lots of gore, comedy and many quotes and references from other movies.
The movie begins with a speak against the "political" war strategy of the United states (while proudly showing the Japaness flag), but at the same times, the speaker confess that all the world likes their culture: the music, the hamburgers and the movies from Hollywood, including George Romero movies (which he is defined as a "genius").
After this introduction, the real movie starts: A flying saucer lands in some woods of the Mount Fuji, suddenly, the dead turns into zombies and a group of militaries, a criminal and a famous singer (or model) must fight for their lives.....they reach a small house, but the zombies are coming there too !
This is a little masterpiece, i recommend it if you like horror comedies in general.