I only started watching Celebrity Masterchef about three years ago but look forward to it as a kind of background entertainment.
However, as with most TV of this genre nowadays, the whole thing is needlessly dragged out to fill the schedules.
This became more evident when I watched an old series from 2008. In those days it was almost breathless in its urgency. Stripped to the bone, nothing but the tasks. For example episode 1 (60 minutes) managed to cover two sets of celebs doing three tests. In 2016 this would have been stretched over two nights and probably taking at least 120 minutes to do the same job.
This isn't a criticism of Masterchef, more a general moan about what we have grown used to accepting in 2016 compared to just a few years ago.
At least Masterchef is on the BBC so we don't have to endure the endless recaps and 'coming ups' that you get on the commercial channels.