"Jiro Kitamura" (Keisuke Koide) is a lonely young man who has nobody to celebrate his birthday with him. That night while buying a present for himself he sees a beautiful young woman (played by Haruka Ayase) in the process of shoplifting some clothes in the department store and he watches with fascination as she leaves in a totally nonchalant manner. Their eyes meet and she smiles at him. Not long afterward he goes to a restaurant to celebrate his birthday and while he is eating she comes in and sits down next to him. What then transpires is a whirlwind evening that he remembers until his next birthday a year later. Now, rather than reveal what happens next and risk spoiling the movie for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a cute little "rom-com" sci-fi which one might enjoy watching with somebody special. Having said that I should probably also mention that this movie was filmed in Japanese and used English subtitles. Additionally, there were a couple of scenes which were a little slow and drawn out. Even so, I thought that both Keisuke Koide and Haruka Ayase played their parts real well and for what it's worth I rate this movie as slightly above average.