Welcome to the Quiet Room lures you in with innovative dark comedy that will have you shaken with laughter, but soon you will become aware of the sad undertones that come with the topic of attempted suicide and mental disease. This movie runs deep and the excellent acting performance make it a masterpiece.
Welcome to the Quiet Room made me laugh and it made me cry and I applaud it for its creative style and honesty at tackling a very difficult topic. This is not just a happy comedy, this is also not just a sad drama, it is life, this is the real deal.
In my opinion this is one of the most underrated movies of all time and I guess now, 10 years after its release, and with all the difficulty you have to go through to get a copy of this movie this will not change and I do think this is a huge shame.
But it will stay a secret gem that art-house cinema lovers like me will keep on whispering in each other ears for years to come.