Honestly, the monsters have some of the most compelling designs I've seen in a long time; I was reminded of the first time I saw the original Hellboy movie. The dimension loop scene also reminded me heavily of Inception, and I'm not sure I've ever seen something quite like that specific cinematography before.
Over an hour into the movie, my excitement over the design wore off when I realized there was never going to be an actual plot. The entire movie runs on a story that could be completely described in less than a paragraph. Almost no worldbuilding, no character development to be seen ANYWHERE, and nothing in the dialogue that will be worth remembering later.
Honestly, I want people to watch this movie to enjoy the design and support the crew who put their all into making a garbage story look this good. Maybe watch it dubbed in a language you don't speak and turn off the subtitles; it won't affect the quality of the movie to not understand the words.