While I personally think this presents credible evidence and especially credible experts (including Lockheed veterans who refuse to answer or address certain questions), people who believe UFO's are just bunk probably aren't going to be swayed because they already have their minds made up. I'm not the kind of person who thinks every mysterious light in the sky is a UFO, or even necessarily that UFO's means ET's; just that there are unexplainable encounters and government deception. I mean, Ancient Aliens is one of the most absurd and far fetched show I've ever seen.
One reviewer cited the poor quality of the video(s), saying there were high quality cameras when the videos were shot. Perhaps he wasn't paying attention (he specifically mentions the military), but the videos were shot w the IR tracking cameras on jets. They're not exactly 4K HD - not even smartphone quality. These aren't spy planes, they're fighter jets where the cameras are for tactical & targeting/radar purposes. Some people will dismiss any evidence, no matter how legitimate or compelling, simply because it goes against their already formed views. Those people are obviously going to give this show a low rating.
The show is targeted at people who have an open mind and want to know more about the subject. For major UFO buffs, it probably has repeat information, but for me there was definitely some new information. I mean, what do military personnel have to gain by coming forward and sharing their experiences. Some even go to lengths to conceal their identities for fear of repercussions.