Jack(Edgerton, charming, who also directs) and Jill(Foulkes, cute) are driving, well, she is, to be more precise, and he's in the front passenger seat. She's annoyed with him – he always takes things too far. A bit of a practical joker, that one. They stop for gas, and he buys her some apology gifts
and something else.
This uses its 8 minute running time(not counting the end credits, with, it's 9) well. Everything is established, set up. We're shown with a few shots and seconds everything we need to know about these two, as individuals, together, and each decision and event builds, until we reach the hilarious major punchlines. If you want outrageous, pitch black humor, Aussie productions are definitely the way to go. Production values are solid. Nothing feels like it's on a budget. This is a sweet rom-com about a couple who can get on each other's nerves
but who do really love each other. And then that is interrupted by a sudden burst of comedy, which is all the more effective by its surrounding short.
There is some brutal, disturbing content in this. I recommend it to anyone who loves this kind of thing. 8/10