This was a slow movie, mostly just the five characters (and there were ONLY five characters) talking. Even at that, I would have given this a slightly higher rating had it not been for the CONSTANT use of the race card. One of the very first things we're subjected to is the black kidnapper accusing the white victim of calling him that word that I will not stoop to using the "accepted" "letter-word" substitute. If HE can continue to say the ACTUAL word throughout the movie, then so can I. Except I can't can I, can I? Not and still have this go through.
Anyway, She kept saying that she didn't call him that "accepted" "letter-word" because, of course, as a white girl, she can't even repeat that ACTUAL word. :eye_roll:
Then, from the Nigerian "fixer" (and I mean that literally... he even SAID that is is from Nigeria - who I actually liked better than most of the rest of the cast), we get a five minute diatribe on the racism in America. :eye_roll:
Take those scenes out, and the movie wasn't that bad. It's more of a psychological thriller than anything else. The acting was about what you would expect from a low budget flick - nothing oscar winning (which is a plus in my book) but it wasn't a high school production, either.
The girl, Mindy Gilkerson, reminds me of Alicia Silverstone back in the 90's. She's easy on the eyes and a pretty good actress, too, so...
If you like a lot of action, this isn't for you. If you like deep thought, this isn't for you. If you like movies with ZERO social agenda, this isn't for you. If you can overlook a LITTLE ModernDayFaire and still enjoy an otherwise interesting escapism... give it a try. What do you have to lose?