I really wanted to like this show, I really did. I like its space adventures, the abundance of cat characters and Akila, who is the best part of the show. Those are all great and the show would have been awesome if not for its one giant flaw..
Cleo herself.
She is one of the most obnoxious, arrogant and reckless protagonists that I've ever seen in any series. And the worst part is that her numerous flaws are seldom questioned and she never learns a lesson from her constant screw-ups that put the people around her in danger.
She is a fish-out-of-water in the future she knows nothing about, yet has little interest in learning about it and ignores the rules and warnings offered to her by the people who inhabit this futuristic world, even if it's her own friends. The number of times she put people in danger due to her recklessness is hard to count as its present in almost every episode. Yes, she is supposed to be an entitled princess as per her background, but that doesn't justify her being rewarded for her poor behavior, not to mention her "chosen one" status and unexplained martial arts and marksmanship skills which put her above the rest of the characters, despite most of them being trained in combat.
The problem with Cleo is that she is given everything without having to work for it and she doesn't grow as a person throughout the show despite her many mistakes, her attitude simply remains the same regardless of how many times it puts her and the people around her in danger. It would be one thing to have a deeply flawed character in a story aimed at adults, but in a show for kids a main character like that is downright dangerous, as it creates a terrible role model for the kids to look up to.