There are a number of cartoons for kids that parents can sit and enjoy with their children together. This is not one of them. It's not bad really. The character designs are enjoyable, the acting is very good, and for what it is the music is perfect. The problem is the direction, pacing, and editing where this falls short. It's not just that parts feel rushed and others linger too much. It's that half the time it feels like something really important was skipped over or cut. I've re-watched the first 2 episodes twice and each time I'm left waiting for a "2 days ago" cut-away scene that will explain what's missing, but it never comes. My guess is that while boarding and table reading this, whenever someone might have said "wait, how did we get here?" someone else responded "who cares, it's just a stupid show for dumb kids, they won't even be paying attention." And maybe they're right, but if they're expecting a show about teenagers to be watched by actual teenagers, they're in for a rude saturday morning awakening.