I liked Kev', until I saw this. An ego a million times bigger than he is, constantly having to assert that he's 'the hardest working, more than ANYONE else' blah, blah, blah. At first we see him up, bright and early, with his personal trainer. That's for our benefit, to show how driven he is. It doesn't last, the next time his personal trainer has to wait two hours, which is 'normal' apparently. Mate, you are never going to be Oscar nominated, just look at the garbage you've put your name too so far, cheap throwaway comedy like Ride Along and B list animation voice overs, get over yourself.
I did two episodes and that was enough. Such a self absorbed, full of bull and fakery when dealing with others, constantly blowing his own trumpet, always putting others down and then forcing them to say they love him?! So disingenuous and delusional to the point where he asks his own questions and doesn't allow the doc makers to ask anything he doesn't like?
There's a reason why you only drive black sports cars, Kev, the urban myth seems to be 100% accurate in this case. Grow up, get a pair and get humble.