Set in the Japan Alps, with very impressive scenery, this tells the story of three skiers at the Monoyama Ski Resort. The three skiers wreak havoc all over town, with their death defying ski antics and just being generally annoying. Into their lives, but especially Gin Shiroyama who is played by Eita, comes Nanami, played by the pretty Rena Tanaka. She is here to get married in a few days and wants to learn to ski before that, so she comes alone. Gin, who used to be a champion skier before a bad accident at one competition, agrees to help, ostensibly since he is doing little else. You sense something is amiss with this wedding and there is, when Nanami's future husband, as well as the wedding guests, are not coming (you'll have to see the film to understand why, that is too much of a plot spoiler). As a matter of fact, there are a few unusual twists in this story, which makes it not another brainless movie about skiing. The two leads are okay together, not quite jelling in a significant way, but that's okay. I watched it on a plane bound for Tokyo, so I didn't get the theater effect. Still, I liked it and, although at times its frustratingly juvenile, I think you'll like it also.