I'm a girl and that being said I don't think I am the target audience for director Sean Weathers movies (at least not this one) but, I do have a boyfriend that loves his movies and thinks that Sean Weathers is the greatest director this side of Stanley Kubrick and maybe he will be at some point, so far so good. If you are a guy you'll love this movie cause it has a lot of sex, nudity, violence and some campy dialogue. However instead of just stopping there which he could have, Sean Weathers gives this movie a very artistic and art house feel, there are different color schemes used from scene to scene, split screen scenes, juxtaposition scenes, character point of view shots, perfectly timed hand-held shots, and in-between all the crazy stuff going on, a lot of time is given to develop and make you actually care about the characters which I found myself doing, one of the girls in the movie, Anna, even deals with boulimia something that I have suffered from in the past as well and the scenes with that character is given plenty of time and very well done. Thumbs up Sean Weathers this is a great movie.