Let alone the poor plot, this show failed to address gender equality even with the casting one of the most popular n successful actresses for her charismatic role as an elite Ivy league consultant in her previous TV show, Sky Castle. In the first episode of Nobody Knows she plays homage to a hero from movie Leon with a teenage boy sitting on staircase and later protected by her which reflects the relationship between Leon and Matilda. The TV series seems to be made just to show women can and should do whatever men do. I am okay with women-empowering movement and that various movies and TV shows can be made and distributed widely as an educational method. However this show is pointless making it a total fantasy where a skinny woman without any athletic trait beats 'evil' men heavier than herself and full of steroid hormone, assuming their violent characteristics, that is even among men told to be a key to win a fight. She doesn't do jujitsu or shows any other specific martial art skill that helps overcome the weight difference. Writing a fantasy story of physically powerful woman and relatively weak men does not help mentally empower women or educate youngsters or people to change their views as we know men are physically stronger, at least currently, and sex separation in sports events proves the fact. This show blocks logical thinking of how women or weaker persons in general can overcome physically threatening or terrifying situation or the fear itself but only focus on spiritual victory and vicarious pleasure which will bring watchers back to reality when the show ends and no actual effort can be made as the methods and the goal are all rooted in fantasy story. Women empowerment should be discussed with many different situation not just encouraging violence, conquering, controlling or not-caring emotion. Nobody Knows is just another "mirroring" movie, the most passive way of addressing how men's or a society's biased common sense has been felt, and they're too lazy to discuss and show what women need, desire or should do, and what members of the society have to think and act to bring changes. Obviously some haven't yet developed a taste to watch a teen-age boy on the staircase to become half naked and dance in front of the heroin to look like a man, or a taste of becoming a badass queen of the hill sweeping entire gang members alone to prove herself stepping out of the same sex competitors.