Of course I ended up sitting down to watch the 2020 anthology "Ultimate Zombie Feast" as it is a zombie anthology. And everything even remotely zombiesque, and I'm there.
Granted, knowing that this was an anthology, I must admit that I was somewhat skeptic about it already before I even started watching it. Why? Well, honestly then a lot of the anthologies set in the horror genres tend to be very, very bland and mundane. But hey, I opted to watch "Ultimate Zombie Feast" regardless, as it might just happen to be a surprisingly good anthology, as it was all focused on zombies.
And it wasn't great. Sure, it was watchable enough, and most of the stories were actually interesting enough. But as anthologies go, of course there were some real lousy stories in the fray as well. And believe you me, some of the stories told in "Ultimate Zombie Feast" were beyond dubious. Sometimes, you just got to stop, take a step back and take a gander at your production with non-biased goggles.
Some of the stories and segments throughout the anthology were actually adequate, and had both a proper storyline as well as having proper special effects. Keep in mind, though, that nothing in the anthology is even remotely near what you had in the Romero movies or in series such as "The Walking Dead". But on the other hand, then many stories also were just downright bad and laughable, feeling like the bottom of the B-movie barrel.
This anthology is long; running at 2 hours and 21 minutes. And after having sat through what felt like three hours, I had to check the timer, and it turned out that I had only sat through 1 hour and 7 minutes of the ordeal. So yeah, "Ultimate Zombie Feast" is unfathomably slow paced. You might want to keep a gallon of coffee within hands reach.
I can't claim to be familiar with a single actor or actress in any of the stories here, for better or worse.
And the special effects throughout the stories in the anthology, varied as much as the contents themselves of each stories varied. Some have adequate special effects, others have laughable low budget special effects. And one thing that I just never will come to like in zombie movies are running, agile zombies, and zombies being able to produce sounds that no human vocal cord - dead or undead - is capable of producing. And trust me, this anthology is rich on these horrible things.
While I managed to endure the entire ordeal and sit through every single story here. I was only mildly entertained. And I can in all honesty say that I am never going to return to watch this anthology a second time. And this is hardly something I would recommend that you waste your money, time or effort on.
My rating of "Ultimate Zombie Feast" lands on a mere three out of ten stars. The fact for this rather low rating is the horrible pacing of the anthology and the overall sense of boredom that permeates most of the stories.