During a plagued dust and wind storm in 1963, a countryman takes in a weary traveller seeking refuge, but discovers the truth in the circumstances of his arrival.
Unfamiliar with anyone involved.
Black and white and running at around 15 minutes, what The Howling Wind is, is interesting and very well made. Sadly what it also feels is remarkably pointless.
So the story starts, builds traction and rapidly hits you with an impactful enough finale. The trouble is it feels like it accomplished nothing, like the film should have had more to see, a better resolution, something......anything.
I respect the creation, I think our two leading gents did a great job but when the credits rolled I felt dissatisfied and ultimately empty! I can't entirely explain why, it just felt like something was missing and I walked away feeling like those 15 minutes were interesting but entirely fruitless.
Loosely based on the Twilight Zone I have to say this likely would have made for a better episode of the show, longer and perhaps with someone attached who could fill in that unfortunate void the Howling Wind presents. Also, more Twilight Zone is always a good thing.
The Good
The Bad
- Something was missing, felt incomplete somehow.