Kosaburo Himuro (Koichi Domoto) is a brilliant young detective, who has his own division called A-kyu Miketsu Jiken Tokubetsu Sosashitsu ( Special task force for unsolved case - a.k.a. A - Bekkan ) department. But because of an unfortunate accident a year ago, he refuses to work outside of his office that is situated at the basement of his house. Because of this, he needs a partner who can do all the leg work for him, but this situation puts lot of stress on his partner.
Assistant supervisor Chikumagawa (Masato Ibu) works for the Tokyo Police Force's detective division. He has one headache - his team member keeps quitting due to hardship of having to work with Himuro.
One day, detective Otaguro (Jun Nagura) comes up with an idea to use a useless detective as Himuro's partner. This way the police force doesn't have to keep losing valuable work force to quirks of having to work with Himuro.
Kurumi Ayaki ( Kyoko Fukada ) is a police woman working for parking enforcement section of the police force. She's engaged to Shingo (Hiroshi Tamaki), and getting prepared for their wedding. She's firmly set on retiring from the police force after she gets married.
Chikumagawa, and Otaguro one day finds Ayaki who they see as not too bright, to be the perfect "fall guy" (?) for the next assistant to work for Himuro. They recruit Ayaki, and tells her that she now works with Himuro. Himuro communicates with her using cell phones.
The unlikely pair of Himuro, and Ayaki becomes a real A-Team in partnership in solving difficult cases.
The real main character of this series is Kurumi Ayaki who is played by Kyoko Fukada. She adds comical touch to the serious situation. Koichi Domoto plays the real brain who figures out the mysteries behind all the crimes. Supporting cast of Masato Ibu et al also adds comic relief playing the dumb detectives who takes themselves way too seriously. All combine to make this a delightful soup of intrigue, comedy, and situational drama that makes this amongst the best of crime detective comedy to come out of Japan.
Young Hiroshi Tamaki plays the fiancé of Kyoko Fukada. He's poised to become an A list actor in Japanese TV and movies in the coming years.