Once again, the direct-to-DVD movie studio The Asylum blatantly rips off a major Hollywood movie not just with its title, but with its story. Of course, the movie being ripped off is "The Day The Earth Stood Still". Make no mistake, this is a BAD movie, but I found it a little better than Asylum's other mind-numbing movie. There are a few okay special effects sequences, which come across even better when you know this was a REAL low budget movie. And star/director Howell really does seem to be trying on both sides of the camera. While his performance ends up just being adequate, he does at least score a few points with his direction, giving the government base interiors and a few outdoor locations a moody, somewhat creepy feel. But ultimately, the low budget and the screenplay defeat his efforts. Much of the movie looks really cheap, with little to no set dressing and few extras. The opening of the movie is somewhat confusing, starting at what seems to be chapter two. But the biggest problems the movie has is its tone. There seems to be no sense of urgency or panic, and although the running time is just 85 minutes, it feels like it runs at least a half hour longer. It's sad that Howell and Judd Nelson's careers have gone so low that they are working for The Asylum. Won't someone else with real Hollywood power give them another chance?