Based on a play Ballygunge 1990, the story of this whodunit unfolds in a single night with the murder of a bollywood actress, Dipanita Sharma on her engagement night. Her writer fiancee Anup Soni is the primary suspect as he absconds from the crime scene. Fate lands him at the doorstep of his ex-flame, Paoli Dam who gives him shelter for the night. Rahul Dev plays the part of a police officer on the roles of a high ranking politician asked to take charge of the case to save someone.
A great concept for a classic whodunit, great cast too.
Alas, the film falters in the execution department. A very linear narrative might work in a play, however it fails to create an impact here. It starts off with great promise but becomes very predictable in the end.
The are no adrenaline rush moment's as the film slowly moves towards a climax that makes you feel that something could've been better.
Rahul Dev , Anup Soni and Paoli Dam give sincere performances, but cannot translate a good play into a great film, thus making it a rather average watch.. Adios🙂