Given the subject matter and the two leads, I didn't expect to like this at all. I dreaded watching it, but I watch everything Hallmark does (except for a few of the amateur detective mysteries). I haven't liked anything Cindy Busby has been in except the Godwink movie, and I would have loved that with almost anyone. Christopher Russell is just too stereotype of a hunk.
The movie changed my mind quickly. The dialogue was good, at least in the beginning, and some of the situations were interesting. Cassidy Nugent was good as the daughter and I think it always helps one of these movies when the female lead bonds with her opposite's daughter. Busby and Russell did have good chemistry.
I saw the conflict immediately when it was foreshadowed, although it played out slightly different than I expected. I should have, but didn't see the ending coming, other than the obvious outcome.
Give the writers or director extra points for not doing the "It's a date. Oh, no, not a date" line for which there was a huge opening.