"Two A. M." is a one-reel comedy short starring Tom Howard, a comedian who only made a few films and whose name is mostly unknown today. It also co-stars his partner, George Shelton. It's a shame, as this is a most enjoyable film....albeit VERY strange.
The film stars Howard as an assistant to a burglar. Neither are very bright, but Howard's character is amazingly clueless! While they are robbing a house, he asks the lady of the house for the combination for her safe....and when she doesn't give it to him, he complains about how rude she is! And, when they make a ton of noise, alerting the cops, the reaction by the pair and the cop is just weird.
This is a film you really should see for yourself. Describing it won't be funny...but the film itself is clever and funny. Well worth seeing and one of the strangest comedies I've ever seen.